17 October 2024. A delightful four-star review titled “Ensemble Klang Surprises with Brilliant Arrangement of Satie’s Parade” by Dennis Bajram was published in De Volkskrant today. Among other things, Bajram writes:
“In Tilburg the new concert season of De Link has started. Last Tuesday, Ensemble Klang performed a new work by Rozalie Hirs (59) in the historic chapel of Het Cenakel. The Dutch composer and poet wrote Charms, Symmetries especially for this adventurous ensemble from The Hague, which consists of saxophones, trombone, keyboard, percussion, and (bass) guitar.
In Charms, Symmetries, the overtone series play an important role, as in much of Hirs’ spectral music. The composition is clearly structured in distinct, well-defined sections. At times, the chords resonate with a pleasing consonance, while at other moments they form growling clusters, with Ensemble Klang producing an intensity reminiscent of Messiaen’s organ works. Melodies ripple through time, with notes echoing around each other in a kind of musical Doppler effect.
Another surprise is the brilliant arrangement of Erik Satie’s Parade (1917).”
Read the full review online at De Volkskrant, 17 October 2024.