2015, calendar, lecture and debate, poetry events

to witness matter

On 11 December 2015 at 20:30 CET Perdu will host an evening around structures of remembrance, forms of subjectivity gathering, and communication. “memory for two, memory for several, world-memory, memory-ages of the world” (from: Cinema 2: The Time-Image (1989) by Gilles Deleuze. Translated into English by Hugh Tomlinson and Robert […]

2015, calendar, poetry events

psoken wrod, clonakilty, ireland

On 8 December 2015 at 20:30 Rozalie Hirs is reading her poetry at Psoken Wrod, a monthly Poetry Series in Clonakilty, Ireland. Date: 2015-12-08 Time: 20:30 Location: De Barra’s Folk Club, 55 Pearse St, Clonakilty, West Cork, Ireland

2015, calendar, poetry events

ó bhéal, cork, ireland

On 7 December 2015 Rozalie Hirs is reading her poetry at Ó Bhéal, Cork’s weekly Poetry Series curated by Paul Casey. Ó Bhéal on Facebook and on Twitter. Date: 2015-12-07 Time: 21:00 Location: Ó Bhéal, Hayloft at the Long Valley Pub, Winthrop St, Cork, Ireland

2015, calendar, poetry events

book launch frans budé

On 3 December 2015 at 20:30 CET the poets Frans Budé, Anneke Brassinga, Daan Doesborgh, Elma van Haren, and Rozalie Hirs perform at the book launch of Beyond the vanishing point by Frans Budé (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 2015). Poet and critic Erik Lindner will introduce the work of Budé with an […]

2015, calendar

infinity stairs (2014), amsterdam

On 12 November 2015 at 20:30 CET the trio Sonic Hedgehog plays their second concert at Café De Ruimte, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Sonic Hedgehog is the result of a collaboration between the Dutch musicians Fie Schouten (bass clarinet) and Wiek Hijmans (electric guitar) and the American flutist Shanna Gutierrez, who […]

2015, calendar, musical works

the honeycomb conjecture (2015)

the honeycomb conjecture for large ensemble and electronic sounds (2015) by Rozalie Hirs is a commission by Philharmonie, Essen, Germany, for Festival NOW! Prismen. The instrumentation consists of 2 flutes, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, 2 French horns, 2 trumpets, bass trombone, 2 percussionists, keyboard, piano, 2 violins, 2 violas, 2 cellos, double bass.

2015, calendar, poetry events

30 + 30 poets’ marathon

On 3 October 2015 at 20:00 CET Rozalie Hirs is part of the Poets’ Marathon at the international Literature Festival Read My World. Date: 2015-10-03 Time: 20:00 CET Location: Tolhuistuin, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2015, calendar, poetry events

booklaunch han van der vegt

On 28 January 2015 at 20:30 CET the new poetry book Navigatiesystemen (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Wereldbibliotheek, 2015) by Han van der Vegt is presented at Perdu, Kloverniersburgwal 86, Amsterdam, with a poetry reading by himself. Additional performances by the poets Onno Kosters, Jacob Groot, and Rozalie Hirs. Furthermore, Frank Keizer and […]

2015, calendar, music concerts, poetry events

reverse, copenhagen, denmark

From 25 until 27 September 2015, Aleksandr Skidan (RUS), Eugene Ostashevsky (RUS) and Mónica de la Torre (MEX/US), Lars Skinnebach (DK), Ann Jäderund (SE), Elaine Feeney (IR), Mira Gonzalez (US), Uljana Wolf (DE), Cia Rinne (FIN), Yoko Tawada (DE/JAP), Caroline Bergvall (FR/NO), and Rozalie Hirs (NL) are among the poets […]

2015, calendar, poetry events

opening of the amsterdam poetry season

On 18 September 2015 the literary venue Perdu in Amsterdam opens its new season with a special programme around the experimental poetry anthology Met twee maten by Paul Rodenko (Amsterdam: Bert Bakker; 1954). The following poets will write new works especially for the evening, and perform and discuss what they’ve […]

2015, calendar, installations with poetry or music, multidisciplinary, musical works

curvices amsterdam (2015)

Curvices Amsterdam (2013, 2015) is an interactive song cycle, a virtual poetry and music installation, for cell phones and mobile devices, that accompanies you on your walk around the concert venue Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. By Rozalie Hirs (music, poetry, voice), Cox & Grusenmeyer (design, animation), Yvan vander Sanden (software design, realization), Machiel Spaan (spatial design).

2015, calendar, lecture and debate

ucsb, united states – lecture

On 13 April 2015 Rozalie Hirs presents a lecture at the Composition Department at University of California, Santa Barbara, on her recent compositions Nadir (2014), Lichtende Drift (2014), Roseherte (2008, 2014 rev.), and Infinity Stairs (2014). Topics may include frequency-based compositional techniques, the use of OpenMusic as a compositional tool, […]

2015, calendar, music concerts, poetry events

family tree (2006), japan

On 12 March 2015 at 20:00 the percussionist Peter Prommel performs Family Tree (English, German, Dutch; music, poem: Rozalie Hirs; animation: Harm van den Dorpel) at the occasion of the TROMP Repertoire Days 2015 in Kawasaki, Japan. Date: 2015-03-12 Location: TROMP Repertoire Days 2015, Senzoku Gakuen College of Music. Kawasaki, […]