2006, calendar, poetry events

more or less mozart #5, doopsgezinde kerk, zwolle

On 3 September 2006 at 15:00 CET, Anneke Brassinga and Rozalie Hirs each read five new poems they wrote at the invitation by fortepianist Dirk Luijmes for his programme ‘Min or more Mozart’ (English: More or less Mozart’). In addition, Dirk Luijmes (fortepiano) and Francine van der Heijden (soprano) play […]

2006, calendar, poetry events

more or less mozart #4, tower museum, goedereede

On 26 August 2006 at 12:00 and 15:00 CET, Rozalie Hirs reads five new poems she wrote especially for Dirk Luijmes’ programme ‘Min or more Mozart’ (English: ‘More or less Mozart’). In additiona, Dirk Luijmes (fortepiano) and Francine van der Heijden (soprano) play various works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The […]

2006, calendar, poetry events

more or less mozart #3, kapel op ‘t rijsselt, eefde

On 20 August 2006 at 11:30, Anneke Brassinga and Rozalie Hirs read five new poems each, which they wrote on the occasion of the programme ‘Min or more Mozart’, curated by Dirk Luijmes in collaboration with the Gelderland Music Summer. Dirk Luijmes (fortepiano) and Francine van der Heijden (soprano) also […]

2006, calendar, poetry events

more or less mozart #2, waalse kerk, arnhem

On 19 August 2006, Anneke Brassinga and Rozalie Hirs each read five new poems they wrote on the occasion of the programme ‘Min or more Mozart’, curated by Dirk Luijmes in collaboration with the Gelderland Music Summer. Dirk Luijmes (fortepiano) and Francine van der Heijden (soprano) also play various works […]

2006, calendar, poetry events

the big party, perdu poetry awards ceremony

On 30 June 2006 at Perdu’s big closing party, a smashing 2005/06 poetry season comes to an end. During the evening the Perdu Poetry Awards 2006 are presented as well. Several poetry prizes are awarded, for instance, for the ‘best blank line’ and ‘best literary network’. Rozalie Hirs receives the […]

2006, calendar, lecture and debate, music concerts, poetry events

in la (2003), van het wonder is het woord (2005), pulsars (2006), defense of the free word, de balie

On 19 May 2006, David Mitchell, Chris Keulemans and Rozalie Hirs are guests at the International Literature Festival Amsterdam, taking place at de Balie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. During the evening programme Defense of the Free Word, the three are interviewed by Pieter Steinz. Also, Rozalie Hirs performs her following musical […]

2006, calendar, poetry events

in search of a lost time, tram 7, amsterdam

From 22 to 28 April, Rozalie Hirs participates in the project In search of a lost time by Stichting Perdu and Tram 7 (an initiative of Leidscheplein theatres). Together with Joost Baars, Bas Belleman, Tsead Bruinja, Edwin Fagel, Tjitske Jansen, Els Moors, Thomas Möhlmann, Tjitske Mussche, Alfred Schaffer, Frank Starik, […]

2006, calendar, poetry events

gertrude starink, poets reading poets #2, perdu

On 31 March 2006, Hans Groenewegen, Rozalie Hirs, Jan Kuijper, Astrid Lampe, Ilse Starkenburg and Samuel Vriezen read Gertrude Starink’s poetry cycle De weg naar egypte (English: The road to Egypt) in its entirety. The evening is the first episode of the series Poets reading poets, curated by Hans Groenewegen, […]

2006, calendar, poetry events

dichters over huis, wim noordhoek, vpro

On 16 February 2006, Atlas|Contact Publishers, Amsterdam, is organising the poetry evening Dichters over huis, presented by Wim Noordhoek, programme maker at De Avonden (VPRO). He will enter into conversation with poets Albertina Soepboer (pictured above), Maurice Buehler, Nachoem Wijnberg, and Rozalie Hirs. In addition, the poets read from their […]

2006, calendar, poetry events

poetry marathon 30+30, perdu, amsterdam

As part of the national Poetry Day on 26 January 2006, Stichting Perdu presents its Poetry Marathon: thirty poets each read their own poem as well as a favourite translation of a poem by a foreign colleague. The guest poets are Andrea Voigt, Jan Baeke, Kees van Houte, Joost Baars, […]

2005, 2006, calendar, musical works

platonic id (2005-06, revised 2024)

platonic id for ensemble (2005, 2006 rev) is a music composition by Rozalie Hirs. The piece sets out with Plato’s so-called “world soul”, as described in his Timaeus. More concretely, it can be understood musically as several harmonic series with partial numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 and 27. The harmonic world of platonic id consists of these resounding overtone series, as well as their corresponding undertone series, built on different fundamentals. Further materials come from the harmonic relationships between sounding overtones on string instrument and their respective fingerings, on strings of different lengths.