2005, calendar, poetry events

in our own words – poetry publication

1 November 2005. The literary anthology In our own words – a generation defining itself (volume 6; editor: Marlow Peerse Weaver) has just been published. The poem ‘genesis’ by Rozalie Hirs, in English translation by John Irons, is part of the anthology. Read the poem ‘genesis’ (Dutch) here. The poem […]

2005, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

review edwin fagel

September 20, 2005. The web magazine De Recensent today published the fine review “What do the rules do?” by Edwin Fagel on the new poetry collection [Speling] by Rozalie Hirs. Fagel says, among other things: “How poetry imposes its own rules, is demonstrated unequivocally by the third collection of Rozalie […]

2005, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

review alain delmotte

August 17, 2005. Today the web magazine Poëzierapport (Poetry Report) published the wonderful review ‘On an opening line and its consequences’ by Alain Delmotte on Rozalie Hirs’ third collection of poems [Speling] (2005): “Poetry has its own criteria for penetrating reality and translating that reality – and by these, it […]

2005, calendar, music concerts

article 1 to 3 [the] [aleph] [a] (2003), rome, italy

On 9 May 2005, Dante Boon plays a solo recital at the Hungarian Academy in Rome, Italy. The programme includes works by Mozart, Liszt, Vriezen, Voorvelt, Hirs, Báthory-Kitsz, Andriessen and Chopin. Included in the programme is the music composition article 1 to 3 [the] [aleph] [a] (2003) by Rozalie Hirs. […]

2005, calendar, music concerts

article 1 to 3 [the] [aleph] [a], avellino, italy

On 8 May 2005 at 20:00, Dante Boon will play a solo recital at the Accademia Kandinsky in Avellino, Italy. The concert is part of the eighth edition of the Festival Musica Contemporanea in Irpinia. The programme includes works by Cage, Sibelius, Feldman, Sciarrino, Vriezen, Voorvelt, Hirs and Andriessen. Of […]

2005, calendar, dutch, poetry books

[speling] ([leeway], 2005)

“What is striking about [Speling], the third poetry book by Rozalie Hirs, is its strong composition: the collection opens with a one-line poem about dreaming and thought. With each consecutive poem, the poems’ length increases by one line until the whole has grown into a pathway, a poem that fills the entire page, to finally explode into the showpiece of In LA, a text spanning many pages. The reader moves within the ‘leeway’ (which is how the Dutch title [speling] could be translated) between dreaming and thinking, words and lines. The first sentence introduces the elements for the rest of the collection. Hirs is looking for the moments in which experience is no longer restricted to the single body, but extends itself to the other or even to the entire world.” (Edwin Fagel, De Recensent)

2005, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

akzente, hanser verlag – poetry publication

1 April 2005 sees the publication of the new issue of Akzente, Zeitschrift für Literatur herausgegeben von Michael Krüger, Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany. With new literary work by Shawqi Bzi’, Thomas Combrink, Heinz Schlaffer, Hans Bender, Helmut Krausser, Andrzej Kopacki, Michael Buselmeier, Rozalie Hirs, Holdger Platta, Martin Ziegler, Gerhard […]

2005, 2006, calendar, musical works

platonic id (2005-06, revised 2024)

platonic id for ensemble (2005, 2006 rev) is a music composition by Rozalie Hirs. The piece sets out with Plato’s so-called “world soul”, as described in his Timaeus. More concretely, it can be understood musically as several harmonic series with partial numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 and 27. The harmonic world of platonic id consists of these resounding overtone series, as well as their corresponding undertone series, built on different fundamentals. Further materials come from the harmonic relationships between sounding overtones on string instrument and their respective fingerings, on strings of different lengths.