On 28 September 2007 the Perdu Foundation celebrates Jaap en de Bonenstaak (English: Jack and the beanstalk), a new issue of the Belgian literary review Dietsche Warande & Belfort. During the evening the poets Arnoud van Adrichem (curator), Elma van Haren, Astrid Lampe, Pol Hoste, Anneke Brassinga, Miguel Declercq, Samuel Vriezen, and Rozalie Hirs read their work.

In addition, the Jackson Mac Low Band performs new compositions by Samuel Vriezen and Rozalie Hirs. Furthermore poet/composer Rozalie Hirs explains the concept of ‘betekenisritme’ (‘rhythm of meaning’) in her poem Vlinders gras.

Date: 2007-09-28
Time: 20:30 CET
Location: Stichting Perdu, Kloveniersburgwal 86, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Performers: Arnoud van Adrichem (host, curator), Elma van Haren (host), Astrid Lampe, Pol Hoste, Anneke Brassinga, Miguel Declercq (poets), Samuel Vriezen, Rozalie Hirs (composers, poets).
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