1 June 2019. Today the new editon #47 of Revue Nunc, Éditions Corlevour, Clichy, France, appears.

It features poets from the Netherlands and Belgium, translated into French by Daniel Cunin and Kim Andringa: Simone Atangana Bekono, Benno Barnard, Anneke Brassinga, Tsead Bruinja, Radna Fabias, Rozalie Hirs, Frank Keizer, Hester Knibbe, Astrid Lampe, K. Michel, Martijn den Ouden, and K. Schippers.

In addition, the issue contains new work by the following writers and poets: Jacques Ancet, Samuel Bidaud, François Bordes, Jan Čep, David Collin, Elke Erb, Thierry Gillyboeuf, Emmanuel Godo, Emmanuelle Grandjean, Emmanuel Échivard, Réginald Gaillard, Jérôme de Gramont, Les Murray, Claire Nicole, and Joël Vincent.