On Wednesday 5 June 2024, Rozalie Hirs will be the guest poet at Eus’ Boekenclub (Eus’ Book Club) on NPO2 (Dutch national television, channel 2). Watch the program live on television or back on NPO Start. From the Burgerweeshuis in Deventer, Özcan Akyol, also known as Eus, talks with his guests about books. Each episode also features a guest poet, who reads from their own work. Tonight this is Rozalie Hirs who reads from dagtekening van liefdesvormen (Amsterdam: Querido, 2024). Other guest are the major of Kerkrade, Petra Dassen-Housen, and writer Eva Vriend with her book Het eiland van Anna (Amsterdam: Atlas Contact, 2024). Today, the reading pannel consists of Zeynep Dag, writer of the novel Strijder op hakken, and the Dutch musician Froukje.