On 20 May 2019 at 20:00 CET Ensemble Musikfabrik presents the German premiere of lightclouds (2019), a new work for “super brass” quartet, ensemble, and electronic sounds, by Rozalie Hirs, during the Konzertreihe Musikfabrik im WDR. The new work is a commission by Stichting Omroep Muziek/ NTR Zaterdagmatinee with financial support of BankGiro Loterij and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. The location of the concert is WDR Funkhaus Wallrafplatz (Großer Sendesaal), Cologne, Germany. The concert programme also features works by Ter Schiphorst, Chin, Bauckholt, and Germanus. The concert is preceded with a Publikumsgespräch (pre-concert talk) by two musicians of the ensemble with Rozalie Hirs and Sander Germanus; the talk starts at 19:15 CET.
Performers include the “super brass” players Marco Blaauw (trumpet), Christine Chapman (horn), Bruce Collings (trombone), Melvyn Poore (tuba), as well as Helen Bledsoe (flute), Carl Rosman (clarinet), Peter Veale (oboe), James Aylward (bassoon), Benjamin Kobler (piano), Ulrich Löffler (keyboard), Dirk Rothbrust (percussion), Hannah Weirich (violin), Sara Cubarsi (violin), Axel Porath (viola), Dirk Wietheger (violoncello), and Florentin Ginot (double bass). The conductor is Emilio Pomàrico; the sound master is Paul Jeukendrup. The above photograph shows Marco Blaauw on trumpet.
concert programme
Sander Germanus – Im Vortex (2019)
Iris ter Schiphorst – Zerstören (2005-06)
Rozalie Hirs – lightclouds (2019)
Unsuk Chin – Gougalon (2009-11)
The score of lightclouds (2019) by Rozalie Hirs is published by Deuss Music, The Hague, The Netherlands.