Download Logos digital for [Mac]
Halfway into the writing process of the poems of Logos (Amsterdam: Querido, 2002), the frequent appearance of body parts, colors and numbers became apparent. The poet decided to include an anatomical map within the collection, by which the reader might navigate through the book as if it were a body. The artist Noƫlle von Eugen was invited to create this map. Along with the body parts, von Eugen listed abbreviations for the titles of all the poems in which that body part appears.
Since the anatomical map in fact functions as a hyper structure of the collection, it became a natural next step to present the entire collection online as well. Matt Lee programmed the site in Flash and presented the Logos website in September 2003. By following hyperlinks on the anatomical map, and within the poems, the reader can navigate directly to the poems in which the body part in question appears, and also jump from poem to poem.
The website is available now as an autonomous app [on Mac OsX] through the above download link.