On Saturday 18 May 2019 at 14:15 CET at Royal Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Musikfabrik performs lightclouds (2019), a new work for “super brass” quartet, ensemble, and electronic sounds, by Rozalie Hirs, commissioned by Stichting Omroep Muziek/ NTR Zaterdagmatinee with financial support of BankGiro Loterij and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. The concert programme Beyond Borders also features works by Chin, Bauckholt, and Germanus.

Performers include the “super brass” players Marco Blaauw (trumpet), Christine Chapman (horn), Bruce Collings (trombone), Melvyn Poore (tuba), as well as Helen Bledsoe (flute), Carl Rosman (clarinet), Peter Veale (oboe), James Aylward (bassoon), Benjamin Kobler (piano), Ulrich Löffler (keyboard), Dirk Rothbrust (percussion), Hannah Weirich (violin), Sara Cubarsi (violin), Axel Porath (viola), Dirk Wietheger (violoncello), and Florentin Ginot (double bass). The conductor is Emilio Pomàrico; the sound master is Paul Jeukendrup. The score of lightclouds (2019) by Rozalie Hirs is published by Deuss Music, The Hague, The Netherlands.

concert programme
Sander Germanus – Im Vortex (2019) world premiere
Rebecca Saunders – Bite (2015)
Carola Bauckholt – Schlammflocke (2010)
Rozalie Hirs – lightclouds (2019) world premiere
Unsuk Chin – Gougalon (2009-11)

Before the concert at 13.40-14.05 CET Frederike Berntsen presents a preconcert talk; she interviews the composers Sander Germanus and Rozalie Hirs at Spiegelzaal (Mirror hall), Concertgebouw, Amsterdam. After the concert we’ll head over to the Concertgebouw Café (glass entrance hall Concertgebouw, corner Van Bearlestraat) with family and friends – would love to say hi to you – come along if you like to and have time. Welcome!

Date: 2019-05-18
Time: 14:15 CET
Location: Royal Concertgebouw (main hall), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Performers: Musikfabrik and Emilio Pomàrico (conductor)
Commissioned by Zaterdagmatinee