On Friday 23 September 2022, Perdu presents an evening to celebrate the work of Dutch writer and poet Lidy van Marissing (*1942). Frank Keizer provides an introduction and Arjen Mulder a lecture on her work. In addition, a selection of the film Rooksporen (1991) is shown, based on the screen play by Lidy van Marissing. Veva Leye presents new work written in response to Lidy van Marissing’s poems. And Rozalie Hirs reads poems she selected from several of Lidy van Marissing’s poetry books. Asha Karami and Anne Bosveld are hosts of the evening.
Date: 2022-09-23
Start time: 20:00 CET
Location: Perdu, Kloveniersburgwal 86, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Performers: Lidy van Marissing, Frank Keizer, Arjen Mulder, Asha Karami, Veva Leye, Rozalie Hirs, and others