On 11 December 2021 from 23:00-23:59 CET, Aad van Nieuwkerk presents VPRO Vrije Geluiden on NPO Radio 4. Part of the broadcast includes the new recording made by VPRO of Rozalie Hirs’ composition hand in hand (music, text, 2021), performed by Luna Sting Quartet and Keren Motseri (soprano). Many thanks to Marc Broer (sound recording), Vivian Vrolijk (production) and everyone else involved.

Listen to the broadcast here. And read the beautiful interview/essay ‘Drang naar het hoger [Dutch only]‘ by Mark van de Voort (photography: Ruby Cruden) in last week’s VPRO Gids.

The performers are Keren Motseri (soprano); Luna Quartet – Janneke van Prooijen, Jellantsje de Vries, Elisabeth Smalt, and Katharina Gross. The above photo shows the musicians and composer in the garden of Music Harbour after the recording.

hand in hand (2020) – vrije geluiden, vpro radio