16 October 2020. Today the new issue of the Dutch architecture magazine Forum is officially published.
Forum IV/2020 The living room includes contributions by Bart de Baets, Stijn Brakkee, Rozalie Hirs, Leonardo Kappel, Lena Karson, Sandra Kassenaar, Laurens Jan ten Kate, Jan Richard Kikkert, Ira Koers, Vincent Kompier, Luuk Kramer, Paul Kuipers, Marcel van der Lubbe, Jeroen Musch, Sonja Nagel, Bas Princen, Daria Scagliola, Luuc Sonke, Sarah van Sonsbeeck, Machiel Spaan, Jan Theissen, Gus Tielens, Jannie Vinke, Jan de Vylder, Thijs Wolzak, Thijs de Zeeuw, and Kim Zwarts. Forum has been published by Architectura et Amicitia, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, since 1946.
From 2018 until 2022, Forum presents a new series of ten issues around the topic of the different spaces in the house. The editorial board for these series consists of Bart de Baets, Sandra Kassenaar, Luuk Kramer, Elsbeth Ronner, Machiel Spaan, Ira Koers, Gus Tielens, Jan Richard Kikkert, Laurens Jan ten Kate, Bart Bulter. As Forum’s poet-in-residence Rozalie Hirs contributes a new poem to each issue.
Due to new Covid-19 regulations of the Dutch government the public event to present and celebrate the new issue of Forum has been canceled. The above photograph shows the location Studio Henk where the presentation was originally planned.
Date: 2020-10-16
Time: 17:00 CET
Location: Studio Henk, Cruquiusweg 94-C, 1019 AJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands