2005, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

review edwin fagel

September 20, 2005. The web magazine De Recensent today published the fine review “What do the rules do?” by Edwin Fagel on the new poetry collection [Speling] by Rozalie Hirs. Fagel says, among other things: “How poetry imposes its own rules, is demonstrated unequivocally by the third collection of Rozalie […]

2005, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

review alain delmotte

August 17, 2005. Today the web magazine Poëzierapport (Poetry Report) published the wonderful review ‘On an opening line and its consequences’ by Alain Delmotte on Rozalie Hirs’ third collection of poems [Speling] (2005): “Poetry has its own criteria for penetrating reality and translating that reality – and by these, it […]

2005, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

akzente, hanser verlag – poetry publication

1 April 2005 sees the publication of the new issue of Akzente, Zeitschrift für Literatur herausgegeben von Michael Krüger, Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany. With new literary work by Shawqi Bzi’, Thomas Combrink, Heinz Schlaffer, Hans Bender, Helmut Krausser, Andrzej Kopacki, Michael Buselmeier, Rozalie Hirs, Holdger Platta, Martin Ziegler, Gerhard […]