2018, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

praise for wiek hijmans, volkskrant

31 May 2018. Today a rave review of Wiek Hijmans’ new CD Electric Language appeared in the Dutch national newspaper De Volkskrant. Frits van der Waa writes: “From every note of guitarist Wiek Hijman speaks a flawless mastery of tone and timbre.” And also mentions in particular the “intriguing microtonal […]

2018, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

jeroen dera: freedom of ink – essay

Logos (2002) is reviewed as one of the Poetry books of the new millennium (Nijmegen|Ghent: Vantilt|Poëziecentrum, 2018) by Jeroen Dera (1986) in his long essay ‘Freedom of ink’. Dera explains the interesting choice of precisely this early collection by Rozalie Hirs as follows: “Dilemma: which work by Rozalie Hirs (Gouda, […]

2018, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

awater poetry prize nomination 2018

Marije Langelaar wins the 2018 Awater Poetry Prize for her poetry collection Vonkt and Joost Baars wins the 2018 VSB Poetry Prize for his Binnenplaats. What a poetry week! Rozalie Hirs’ poetry collection further particulars (2017) was also a contender for the 2018 Awater Poetry Prize. Thanks to Edwin Fagel […]

2017, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

tip johan de boose, de standaard, belgië

22 December 2017. Johan de Boose tips gestammelte werke (Berlin: kookbooks, 2017) by Rozalie Hirs today in De Letteren, De Standaard, Belgium, in response to the question “Which 2017 book deserves more attention?” He writes, among other things, “Gestammelte Werke, poetry by the poet/composer Rozalie Hirs. A beautiful collection of […]

2013, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

pulsars (cd, 2010), concertzender live

On 12 December 2013 from 20:00-22:00, Concertzender airs episode #5, featuring works that were performed during the November Music Festival in Den Bosch earlier this month. It includes compositions by Mayke Nas, Cathy van Eck, Carola Bauckholt, Thomas Ankersmit, and Rozalie Hirs. Of the latter, the composition Pulsars (2007), selected […]

2013, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

platonic id (cd, 2006), concertzender

On 12 December 2013 at 02:00, the cd Platonic ID (Amsterdam: Attacca Productions, 2007) by Rozalie Hirs is broadcast in its entirety on the Concertzender during the program De Nacht: Nieuwe Muziek. This CD features Hirs’ music compositions Platonic ID (2005-05), Book of Mirrors (2001), article 0 (2000), article 1 […]

2013, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

columnist voor preludium, concertgebouw

As of 1 October 2013, Rozalie Hirs is columnist for Preludium, program magazine for the Concertgebouw and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. She shares this position with Elmer Schönberger. Together, Schönberger and Hirs provide ten columns a year. Her very first column, ‘Listening,’ can be read this month in Preludium, a […]

2013, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

review arie van den berg, nrc

4 January 2013. A fine new review by Arie van den Berg on Hirs’ poetry book gestamelde werken (English: work in stuttering; 2012) has appeared in today’s Dutch newspaper NRC appeared. Arie van den Berg says, among other things: “Hirs likes to go all the way, and thereby reaches for […]

2011, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

pulsars (cd, 2010), concertzender live

On 15 August 2011 the CD Pulsars (Amsterdam: Attacca records, 2010) by Rozalie Hirs is broadcast in full during the program De Nacht: Nieuwe Muziek on Concertzender Radio, The Netherlands. The CD contains three music/text compositions Pulsars (2006-2007), In LA (2003, English version 2010), and Bridge of Babel (2009) by […]

2011, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

pulsars (cd, 2010), concertzender

On 21 June 2011 the CD Pulsars (Amsterdam: Attacca records, 2010) by Rozalie Hirs is broadcast in full during the program De Nacht: Nieuwe Muziek on Concertzender Radio, The Netherlands. The CD contains three music/text compositions Pulsars (2006-2007), In LA (2003, English version 2010), and Bridge of Babel (2009) by […]

2011, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

pulsars (cd, 2010), concertzender

On 15 June 2011 at 6:00 CET, the CD Pulsars (Amsterdam: Attacca records, 2010) by Rozalie Hirs is broadcast in full during the program Nieuw verschenen on Concertzender Radio, The Netherlands. The CD contains the three music compositions, based on own texts, Pulsars (2006-2007), In LA (2003, English version 2010), […]

2008, calendar, radio, livestream, printed media

npo television – interview

On 7 November 2008 Anke Brouwer and Rozalie Hirs are being interviewd by Agnes van der Horst for Dutch Television. They discuss the new pieces that they wrote especially for the Dutch Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, premiered this week as part of the Festival Nederlandse Muziekdagen (Dutch Music Days). You can […]