On 17 November 2008 at 5PM PST Rozalie Hirs presents the lecture Contemporary compositional techniques and OpenMusic. The location is the Music Departement of USCD (University of California at San Diego), La Jolla, USA. Date: 2008-11-17 Time: 17:00-19:00 PST Location: UCSD Department of Music, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, USA
Category: calendar
kpfk 90.7fm, usa – radio interview
On 13 November 2008, the composers Michael Pisaro and Rozalie Hirs are interviewed by John Schneider for the show Global village: Thursdays with John Schneider on the KPFK 90.7FM channel, USA. In addition, works by Hirs and Pisaro are broadcast. Date: 2008-11-13 Time: 11:00 KPFK 90.7FM
roseherte (2008) – world premiere
On 8 November 2008 the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and Micha Hamel (conductor) perform the concert OER during the festival Nederlandse Muziekdagen (Dutch Music Days) at Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Part of the concert programme is the world premiere of the music composition Roseherte (2008) for symphony […]
npo television – interview
On 7 November 2008 Anke Brouwer and Rozalie Hirs are being interviewd by Agnes van der Horst for Dutch Television. They discuss the new pieces that they wrote especially for the Dutch Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, premiered this week as part of the Festival Nederlandse Muziekdagen (Dutch Music Days). You can […]
roseherte (2007-08; 2014)
Roseherte (2008) is a composition for symphony orchestra (ninety players) and electronic sounds, commissioned by Nederlandse Muziekdagen with financial support of Netherlands Performing Arts Fund.
wortmusik – launch
On 2 November 2008 the new series WortMusik opens as part of Pianolab, Goethe Institut, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. During the festive launch event Dante Boon, Samuel Vriezen, Albert van Veenendaal, Mark Alban Lotz, Lysander le Coultre, Alan Purves, Walter Lampe, Keiko Shichijo, Oscar Jan Hoogland, Natalio Sued, Raoul van der […]
het komt voor (2008)
15 oktober 2008 het komt voor (as it happens; 2008) is a bibliophile poetry book by Rozalie Hirs with visual art by Marijke van Warmerdam, published bij Uitgeverij 69, Hilversum, The Netherlands. The book design is by publisher Wolfram Swets. The chapbook contains three poems by Rozalie and original poëzo […]
article 0 [transarctic buddha] (2000) – german premiere
On 8 August 2008 percussionist Johannes Fischer performs the musical composition article 0 [transarctic buddha] (2000) by Rozalie Hirs as part of the Oberstdorfer Musiksommer at Christus-Kirche, Oberstdorf, Germany. Date: 2008-08-08 Time: 20:00 Location: Oberstdorfer Musiksommer, Christus-Kirche, Oststraße 2, Oberstdorf, Germany Performers: Johannes Fischer (percussion)
in la (2003), paradiso, amsterdam
On 12 July 2008 percussionist, voice artist, and composer Arnold Marinissen performs the text and music composition In LA (2003) by Rozalie Hirs at Paradiso, Amsterdam. The performance is part of his program I like to watch too. Date: 2008-07-12 Time: 21:00 Location: I like to watch too, Paradiso, Weteringschans […]
poetry pieces i-iii (2008)
On 27 June 2008 the Eindfeest (End of Season Party) takes place at Perdu, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. As part of this evening programme, Rozalie Hirs performs her music compositions on original poems Poetry pieces I-III (2008). Date: 2008-06-27 Time: 21:00 Location: Het Eindfeest, Perdu, Kloveniersburgwal 86, Amsterdam → Nederlands
article 5 [dolphin, curved time] (2008)
On 15 June 2008 the Dutch soprano Irene Maessen performs two concerts as part of Wendingen Festival at the Bijbels Museum (The Bible Museum), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The concerts feature the music composition article 5 [dolpin, curved time] (2008) by Rozalie Hirs. The piece is based on Rozalie’s poem ‘Tuimelaar’ […]
article 5 [dolphin, curved time] (2008) – world premiere
On 14 June 2008 the Dutch soprano Irene Maessen presents the world premiere of music composition article 5 [dolpin, curved time] (2008) by Rozalie Hirs. Maessen sings the composition twice that day, at 13:00 and 14:00 resepctively. The concerts are part of Wendingen Festival at the Bijbels Museum (The Bible […]
poetry piece iii (2008), aboriginal art museum, utrecht
On 11 June 2008 the Aboriginal Art Museum (Museum voor hedendaagse Aboriginal kunst), Utrecht, the Netherlands, presents An evening with Robert Gray. The poet Robert Gray (Australia) reads his poetry alongside his colleagues Jennifer Arcuni (USA), Julian Stannard (UK), Robert Glick (USA), and Rozalie Hirs (Netherlands). In addition, Rozalie performs […]
creative writing, kunstwelten, akademie der künste, berlin – workshop
From 2 until 5 June 2008 Rozalie Hirs does a series of four workshops with students of the Europagymnasium Bitterfeld, Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Germany. This hands-on lecture and workshop series is part of Kunstwelten, the education programme of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany. The above illustration shows an example of ‘Erasure […]
article 4 [map butterfly] (2004)
On 26 May 2008 the violinist Carmel Raz performs a solo recital as part of Musica Nova at the Felicjia Blumental Music Center, Tel Aviv, Israël. Part of her recital is the music composition article 4 [map butterfly] for solo violin (2004) by Rozalie Hirs. Date: 2008-05-26 Time: 20:00 Location: […]
poetry piece iii (2008) – world premiere
On 8 May 2008, the launch party of Versal VI, the new issue of the English language literary review, takes place at the Sugar Factory, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. During the event, the poets, and writers Emmanuel Moses, Sandra Jensen, Wiljan van den Akker, Jennifer Arcuni, Michael Karmen, Julian Stannard, and […]
aan de zon, de wereld (2006)
poetry pieces i-ii (2008), perdu, amsterdam
On 27 April 2008 the Amsterdam poetry bookshop and theatre Perdu organizes a Festival for Amsterdam Wereldboekenstad (Amsterdam World Book City). The Festival Culturele Peepshow (Cultural Peepshow) takes place in Amsterdam’s Red Light District. It offers private poetry readings and perfromances to all audience members. As part of the festival, […]
poetry pieces i-ii (2008) – world premiere
aan de zon de wereld (2006), in la (2003), van het wonder is woord (2005)
On 26 April 2008 the Krikri/ Zaoem festival takes place at Minardschouwburg, Ghent, Belgium. Featured artists are the poets/ performers Angela Rawlings (Canada), Eduard Escoffet (Spain), Leevi Lehto (Finland), Ghalia Benali (Tunesia), and Rozalie Hirs (The Netherlands). Festival curators are Maja Jantar, Jelle Meander and Helen White. As part of […]
article 0 [transarctic buddha] (2000), fulda, duitsland – duitse première
On April 23, 2008, percussionist Johannes Fischer presents a recital, featuring works by Iannis Xenakis, Matthias Pintscher, Vinko Globokar, Javier Alvarez, Larry Baker, Edison Denisov, and Rozalie Hirs. Oboist Christian Hommel and flutist Nari Hong are the musical collaborators of Fischer in this concert. The concert programme includes the music […]
aan de zon, de wereld (2006), poëziefestival landgraaf
On 20 April 2008 the poets Anneke Brassinga, Hans Groenewegen, Liesbeth Lagemaat, Samuel Vriezen, B. Zwaal, and Rozalie Hirs perform the oratorio Troost de hysterische robot by the Dutch poet Lucebert. The musicians Anne La Berge and David Dramm interlace the readings with improvisations. In addition to the collective performance […]
article 0 [transarctic buddha] (2000) – swiss premiere
On 4 April 2008 the percussionist Johannes Fischer performs a solo recital at Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana, Via Soldino 9, Lugano, Switzerland. The recital prgramme includes the Swiss premiere of the music composition article 0 [transarctic buddha] (2000) by Rozalie Hirs. Date: 2008-04-04 Time: 20:00 CET Location: Conservatorio della Svizzera […]
On 8 February 2008 the poets Anneke Brassinga, Hans Groenewegen, Liesbeth Lagemaat, Samuel Vriezen, B. Zwaal, and Rozalie Hirs, perform the oratorio Troost de hysterische robot (1989) by the Dutch poet Lucebert at Theater Provadja, Alkmaar. The musicians Anne La Berge and David Dramm interlace the readings with improvisations. In […]
book launch geert buelens, brussels, belgium
On 30 January 2008 at 20:00 CET the book launch of Oneigelijk gebruik (Nijmegen: Van Tilt, 2008) by Geert Buelens, takes place at Passa Porta, Brussels, Belgium. The launch programme is interlaced by music performances and readings by Mauro Pawlowski and Rozalie Hirs. Rozalie performs her musical composition Aan de […]
pulsars (2007) – recommended work, IREM, lisbon
On 20 December 2007, the electroacoustic music composition Pulsars (2006-07) by Rozalie Hirs receives the designation ‘Recommended Work’ at the 11th International Rostrum of Electroacoustic Music in Lisbon, Portugal. The composition Pulsars (2006) on own lyrics was commissioned by Armeno Albers/ Café Sonore/ VPRO Radio and released by Attacca Records […]
aan de zon, de wereld (2006), van het wonder is woord (2005)
On 11 December 2007 Dick Huisman, Halil Gür, Peter M. van der Linden, and Rozalie Hirs are guest poets during Dichtersdinsdag at De Kring society, Amsterdam. They read original poetry. In addition, Rozalie Hirs performs two of her music compositions, based on own texts: Aan de zon, de wereld (2006) […]
visions, hadewijch, poets reading poets #4, perdu
On 26 October 2007, a new edition of the series Dichters lezen dichters takes place at Perdu, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This time the subject is the work of the mediaeval, mystical Dutch poet Hadewijch. Poets Hélène Gélens, Jan Kuijper, Liesbeth Lagemaat, and Rozalie Hirs integrally read Hadewijch’s work Visioenen (Visions). […]
enumeration in poetry, perdu, amsterdam
On 5 October 2007 an evening around the theme of enumeration takes place at Amsterdam’s foremost poetry venue Stichting Perdu, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The guest poets and writers Astrid Lampe, Josien Laurier, K. Michel, Kees ‘t Hart, and Rozalie Hirs discuss enumeration as a working method during the creative process. […]
aan de zon, de wereld (2006), in la (2003), pulsars (2007), van het wonder is woord (2005), radio mona lisa, amsterdam – portrait concert
On 30 September 2007 Radio Mona Lisa features composer and poet Rozalie Hirs. She performs her compositions, based on own texts, Aan de zon, de wereld (2006), In LA (2003), Van het wonder is woord (2005), and Pulsars (2007) live at Theater de Cameleon, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The integral radio […]
vlinders, gras (2007)
On 28 September 2007 the Perdu Foundation celebrates Jaap en de Bonenstaak (English: Jack and the beanstalk), a new issue of the Belgian literary review Dietsche Warande & Belfort. During the evening the poets Arnoud van Adrichem (curator), Elma van Haren, Astrid Lampe, Pol Hoste, Anneke Brassinga, Miguel Declercq, Samuel […]
creative writing, akademie der künste, berlin – workshop
From 17 until 21 September 2007 Rozalie Hirs teaches five creative writing workshops at Kulturhaus Wolfen, Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Germany. The workshops are part of the art education program Kunstwelten of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany. The workshops take place each day from 11:00 until 15:00 hours CET. Date: 2007-09-17 Time: […]
sacro monte (1997), ensemble courage, dresden, germany
On 15 September 2007 Ensemble Courage and Titus Engel (conductor) perform a concert at Dreikönigskirche, Dresden, Germany. Part of the concert programme is the music composition Sacro Monte (1997) by Rozalie Hirs. Date: 2007-09-15 Time: 20:00 CET Location: Dreikönigskirche, Hauptstraße 23, Dresden, Germany Performers: Ensemble Courage, Titus Engel (conductor) → […]
aan de zon, de wereld (2006)
On 9 August 2007 Rozalie Hirs performs her music composition Aan de zon, de wereld (2006) as part of the program Nuits d’Été at Theater/ Filmhuis LUX, Nijmegen. Additionally, the Matangi Quartet performs works by Haydn. Furthermore, Philip Hoorne and Rozalie Hirs read original poetry. Date: 2007-08-09 Time: 21:00 Location: […]
red, white & blues (cd, 2007), review roland de beer, volkskrant
27 July 2007. Today Volkskrant published a review by Roland de Beer of Marcel Worms’ new double CD red, white & blues (Attacca Productions, 2007), with new works especially composed for the pianist. De Beer is charmed by Rozalie Hirs’ recent composition Source of Blue (2005): “Of separate charm is […]
platonic id (cd, 2007)
Platonic ID (Amsterdam: Attacca Productions, 2007) is the first full-length portrait CD of Rozalie Hirs (*1965) with instrumental works: works for solo instruments (violin, piano, percussion) and for ensemble. The works for ensemble were commissioned by Asko|Schönberg, formerly known as Asko Ensemble. All works were financially supported by Netherlands Performing Arts Fund.
vlinders, gras (2007), amsterdam
On 15 May 2007 the the Jackson Mac Low Band performs a concert at De Badcuyp, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The programme 2×60′ features works by Taylan Susam, Samuel Vriezen, Thomas Stiegler, Jackson Mac Low, Joost Baars, John Cage, and Rozalie Hirs. Part of the programme is the music/text composition Vlinders, […]
vlinders, gras (2007) – world premiere
On 12 May 2007 the Jackson Mac Low Band (Samuel Vriezen, Joost Baars, Dante Boon, Martijn Voorvelt) perform at Tolhuistuin Festival, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Part of the programme is the world premiere of the music/text composition Vlinders, gras (2007) by Rozalie Hirs. Date: 2007-05-12 Time: 16:00 Location: Tolhuistuin Festival, Tolhuisweg […]
vsb poetry/ young composer’s award – lecture
On 24 April 2007 the evening Prijsvraag Jonge Componisten (Young Composers’ Award) takes place at De Rode Hoed, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Rozalie Hirs presents the keynote lecture “Poëzie op muziek op poëzie op muziek” (English: ‘Poetry and music and poetry and music’). For the competition, young composers set poems selected […]
sacro monte (1997) – finnish premiere
On 10 April 2007 Musiikkiakatemia NYTT! NYTT! Ensemble and Erkki Lahesmaa (conductor) perform a concert as part of Konsertti Aboa Nova III at the Turku Music Academy in Turku, Finland. Part of the programme is the Finnish premiere of the music composition Sacro Monte (1997) by Rozalie Hirs. Date: 2007-04-10 […]
in la (2003), vishal, haarlem
On 17 March 2007 Arnold Marinissen performs the music composition In LA (2003) by Rozalie Hirs by way of opening the art exhibition Rompecabeza at the Vishal, Haarlem, The Netherlands. Also at Vishal, the brandnew visual art installation In LA space (2007) is on display, Rozalie Hirs created especially for […]
in la space (composition, 2003; installation, 2007) – exhibition
From 17 March until 22 April 2007 the exhibition Rompecabeza – verlies en verlangen is on display at Vishal, Haarlem, The Netherlands. The exhibition’s curators are Pam Emmerik and Pjotr van Oorschot. The exhibition includes visual art by Arnaud Beerends, Pam Emmerik, Pieter Engels, Miriam Guensberg, Rozalie Arnaud Beerends, Pam […]
zenit, uur nul (2007) – belgian premiere
On 6 March 2007 the Zephyrkwartet (Zephyr Quartet) plays the new string quartet Zenit, uur nul (2007) by Rozalie Hirs. The performance is part of the concert program ‘The Soul Awakens’, also including works by Giacinto Scelsi, Horatiu Radulescu, and Claude Vivier. The concert takes place at Logos Foundation, Ghent, […]
in la (2003), den bosch
On 1 March 2007 the composer, percussionist, and voice performer Arnold Marinissen presents a solo concert at De Toonzaal, Den Bosch (‘s-Hertogenbosch), the Netherlands. The concert program Sang love songs features works for percussion, musical saw and (speaking) voice. Part of the concert prorgamme is In LA (2003) by Rozalie […]
zenit, uur nul (2007), amsterdam
On 28 February 2007 the Zephyrkwartet (Zephyr Quartet) plays the new string quartet Zenit, uur nul (2007) by Rozalie Hirs. The performance is part of the concert program ‘The Soul Awakens’, also including works by Giacinto Scelsi, Horatiu Radulescu, and Claude Vivier. The concert takes place at Bethaniënklooster, Amsterdam, The […]
zenit, uur nul (2007), nijmegen, the netherlands
On 18 February 2007 the Zephyrkwartet (Zephyr Quartet) plays the new string quartet Zenit, uur nul (2007) by Rozalie Hirs. The performance is part of the concert program ‘The Soul Awakens’, also including works by Giacinto Scelsi, Horatiu Radulescu, and Claude Vivier. The concert takes place at Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, […]
source of blue (2005), vredenburg, utrecht
On 17 February 2007 pianist Marcel Worms presents the launch of his new double CD Red, White, and Blues (Amsterdam: Attacca Productions, 2007). Part of the CD and the concert is the music composition Source of Blue/ Bron van Blauw (2005) by Rozalie Hirs. The concert takes place at Muziekcentrum […]
zenit, uur nul (2007) – world premiere
On 11 February 2007 the Zephyrkwartet (Zephyr Quartet) plays the new string quartet Zenit, uur nul (2007) by Rozalie Hirs. The performance is part of the concert program The Soul Awakens, also including works by Giacinto Scelsi, Horatiu Radulescu, and Claude Vivier. The concert takes place at Museum De Pont, […]
poetry marathon 2007
On 25 January 2007 Rozalie Hirs reads her poems along with twenty-nine other poets during the Gedichtenmarathon (Poetry marathon) at Stichting Perdu, Amsterdam. Each poet reads two original poems and one poem by a foreign poet. The event is curated by Tsead Bruinja. Date: 2007-01-25 Time: 19:00 CET Location: Stichting […]
life, form (2006), gallery caesuur, middelburg – exhibition
From 25 November 2006 to 6 January 2007, the installation Leven, vorm (English: Life, form, 2006) by new media artist Harm van den Dorpel and poet Rozalie Hirs is exhibited in the visual art gallery Caesuur, Middelburg, The Netherlands. During the exhibition’s opening, van den Dorpel will launch the new […]
aan de zon, de wereld (2006), in la (2003), wendingen festival, amsterdam
During Wendingen Festival on 18 November 2006 at 15:00, Rozalie Hirs performs her musical compositions, based on own texts, Aan de zon, de wereld (2006) and In LA (2003). The venue is Salon 390, located at Herengracht 390, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Curator of the festival is Marja Bon (the above […]
article 1 to 3 [the] [aleph] [a] (2003), dante boon, goethe institut, amsterdam
On 5 November 2006, pianist Dante Boon performs a solo recital during the Piano Amsterdam series at the Goethe Institut, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Part of the concert is Rozalie Hirs’ composition article 1 to 3 [the] [aleph] [a] (2003). Date: 2006-11-05 Doortime: 16:00 Location: Goethe Institut, Herengracht 470, Amsterdam, The […]
aan de zon, de wereld (2006), goethe instituut, amsterdam
On 5 November 2006, Rozalie Hirs performs her music composition, based on her own text, aan de zon, de wereld (2006) at the Goethe Institut, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The concert is part of the ‘Gallery of Tones’ series, curated by pianist Stevko Busch. Also participating in the concert are the […]
hans faverey, poets reading poets #3, perdu, amsterdam
On 27 October 2006, the poets Hans Groenewegen, Samuel Vriezen and Rozalie Hirs read the first and the last collection of poems by Hans Faverey in an integral performance. The evening is the third instalment of the Poets reading poets series, curated by Hans Groenewegen, Rozalie Hirs, and Samuel Vriezen. […]
a throwaway coincidence that determined everything (2004) – zebra poetry film festival, berlin
From 11 to 14 October 2006, the Zebra Poetry Film Festival takes place in Berlin, Germany. Among many other poetry films, the festival will also feature the short animation film a throwaway coincidence that determined everything (2004) by Paul Leyton (film, animation) and Rozalie Hirs (poetry, voice, composition). The film […]
emptiness that breathes – the typographic white in modern poetry – book presentation yra van dijk
On 15 September 2006 at 20:30 is the book launch of Leegte, leegte die ademt – het typografisch wit in de moderne poëzie (English: Emptiness, emptiness that breathes – the typographic white in modern poetry, Van Tilt, 2006) by Yra van Dijk. Van Dijk talks about her book and enters […]
platonic id (2005), asko|schönberg – gaudeamus muziekweek
On Tuesday 5 September 2006 at 20:30 CET, the ASKO|Schönberg, conducted by Bas Wiegers, will play a concert during the Gaudeamus Music Week at the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ in Amsterdam. The programme includes Platonic ID (2005, 2006 rev.) by Rozalie Hirs. Starts: 2006-09-05 Door time: 20:30 CET Location: Muziekgebouw […]