2010, calendar, poetry events

poets’ marathon, perdu, amsterdam

On 4 July 2010 Rozalie Hirs is featured poet at the Dichtersmarathon (Poets’ Marathon) at Tolhuistuin, Amsterdam. Other poets include Anneke Brassinga, Tonnus Oosterhof, Samuel Vriezen, and Hélène Gelèns. The curators of the marathon are Joost Baars and Thomas Möhlmann. Date: 2010-04-07 Time: 20:00 Location: Tolhuistuin, Tolhuisweg 5, Amsterdam, The […]

2010, calendar, music concerts

venus (2010), holland festival

On 8 June 2010 the music composition Venus (2010) by Rozalie Hirs receives it world premiere during Holland Festival, Amsterdam. Other works on the programme are by Gérard Grisey, Alvin Lucier, James Tenney, Richard Ayres and Abel Paul. There are two performances, at 16:00 and at 20:30. The location is […]

2010, calendar, musical works

venus (2010)

Venus (2010) by Rozalie Hirs is a spatialized music composition for six percussionists and six-channel electronic sounds. It consists of three movements [evening star], [invisible], and [morning star]. Venus (2010) was commissioned by Slagwerk Den Haag, with support from the Eduard van Beinum Foundation. It was first performed around the BACH Pavilion, designed by architect Zaha Hadid, at Holland Festival in 2010.

2010, calendar, poetry events

poets’ tuesday, amsterdam

On 11 May 2010 Jaap Boots, Kees Wennekendonk, and Rozalie Hirs perform during Dichtersdinsdag (Poets’ Tuesday) at De Kring, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Sven Adriaans and Diana Ozon (see above picture) curate the series. The below photographs of the event are by Catharina Blauwendraad. Date: 2010-05-11 Time: 20:30 Location: De Kring, […]

2010, calendar, lecture and debate

lecture, calarts, united states

On 7 May 2010 at 16:10 PST Rozalie Hirs presents a lecture on her music and related spectral compositional techniques. Among other works, Rozalie discusses her string quartet Zenit (2010), performed by the Formalist Quartet at REDCAT, Los Angeles, a few days earlier. The location is the Department of Music […]

2010, calendar, lecture and debate

lecture, ucsd, united states

On 4 May 2010 at 6PM PST Rozalie Hirs presents a lecture on her music and compositional techniques at the Music Department of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), San Diego, United States. Date: 2010-05-04 Time: 6PM-8PM PST Location: UCSD, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California, United States

2010, calendar, music concerts

article 4 [map butterfly] (2004)

On 3 May 2010 the violinist Mark Menzies performs the music composition article 4 [map butterfly] (2004) by Rozalie Hirs at the Composition Department of the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), Santa Barbara, United States. The performance takes place in collaboration with the Department for Media, Arts and Technology. […]

2010, calendar, lecture and debate

lecture, ucsb, united states

On 3 May 2010 at 6PM Rozalie Hirs presents a lecture on her music and compositional techniques at the Music Department of the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), Santa Barbara, United States. The lecture takes place in collaboration with Media, Arts and Technology (MAT). Host of the lecture series […]

2010, calendar, musical works

zenit (2010)

“At the other end of history came the world premiere of Rozalie Hirs’ engrossing string quartet, Zenit, played by the superb new L.A.-based Formalist Quartet. Everything I might say about Hirs’ unsettled music I could also say the opposite. It is also quite settled. It forges ahead with tentative sounds and silences. It stops and starts yet flows. It has a hint of hard-hitting Dutch Minimalism, yet it offers a feast of radiant string harmonics, pulsating outside of rhythm.” (Mark Swed, Los Angeles Times)

2010, calendar, poetry events

love poems, love songs

On 12 February 2010 Rozalie Hirs presents a poetry reading during the program Love Poems, Love Songs at Korzo Theater, The Hague, The Netherlands. A concert by Niwebyrth ensemble and Lilith Verhelst (soprano) precedes the reading. Date: 2010-02-12 Time: 20:00 CET Location: Korzo Theater, Prinsestraat 42, The Hague, The Netherlands

2010, calendar, workshop

creative writing, academie van bouwkunst, amsterdam – workshop

From 5 February until 26 March 2010 Rozalie Hirs teaches the workshop series Creative Writing to Master students at the Academy of Architecture (Akademie van Bouwkunst), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The workshops take place each Friday from 13:30 until 16:30 CET. Date: 2010-02-05 Time: 13:30 Location: Academie van Bouwkunst, Waterlooplein 211, […]

2010, calendar, poetry events

house of poetry, slau, utrecht – performance

On 28 January 2010 the House of Poetry (Huis van de Poëzie) takes place at Grand Hotel Karel V, Utrecht, The Netherlands, to celebrate National Poetry Day (Gedichtendag) in The Netherlands. Performers include the poets Mischa Andriessen, Erik Bindervoet, Piet Gerbrandy, Tjitske Janssen, Bart Moeyaert, Marcel Möring, Hans Verhagen, Menno […]

2009, calendar, lecture and debate, workshop

kunstwelten, akademie der künste, berlin

On December 16, 2009, at 19:00, Rozalie Hirs, alongside Klaus Hurrelman, Ulrich Matthes and Klaus Staeck participates in the 31. Akademiegespräch (“31st academic talks”) at the Akademie der Künste Berlin, Germany. Chaired by Claudia Henne, the guests discuss KUNSTWELTEN, the cultural education program of the Akademie der Künste. Additionally, some […]

2009, calendar, poetry events

herman gorter festival

On 28 November 2009 at 20:15 CET the actor Hugo Koolschijn and poet Rozalie Hirs read Liedjes (1930) by Herman Gorter at Perdu, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Samuel Vriezen interlaces the reading with music. The night before Joost Baars, Ernst van den Hemel, Marc Reugebrink, and Johan Sonnenschein present lectures on […]

2009, calendar, poetry events

spaces of blank (poetry: carson, dickinson, hirs; 2009)

On 10 October 2009 the mezzo soprano Sarah Castle, the Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic, and Micha Hamel (conductor) perform a concert during the Nederlandse Muziekdagen (Dutch Music Days) at Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The concert program includes Spaces of Blank (music: Michel van der Aa; poetry: Anne […]

2009, calendar, poetry events

woordbloed exhibition – performance

On 27 September 2009 at 16:00 CET Rozalie Hirs and George Moorman open the exhibition WOORDBLOED by the Dutch visual artist and writer Pam Emmerik at Museum Schunk*, Heerlen, The Netherlands. They read and perform poetry alongside an interview about their work. In addition, the actors Anna Noyons and Katrin […]

2009, calendar, music concerts

book of mirrors (2001), toonzetters festival

On 30 August 2009 Asko|Schönberg and Clark Rundell (conductor) perform the music composition Book of Mirrors (2001) by Rozalie Hirs alongside Joost Rekveld‘s film #23.2. The performance takes place as part of Toonzetters Festival to celebrate the ten most beautiful music compositions that were premiered in the previous year. Among […]

2009, calendar, poetry events

het definitieve eindfeest, perdu, amsterdam

On 26 June 2009 at 20:30 CET ‘Het definitieve eindfeest’ (‘The definitive end of season party’) takes place at Stichting Perdu, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Several poets and writers perform new and recent work, followed by a massive dance party. The performers include David Sneek, Martin van der Galiën, Hilde Meeus, […]

2009, calendar, poetry events

digital poetry laboratory, poetry international

On 15 June 2009 a digital poetry laboratory takes place at Poetry International, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The event evolves around works shown during the festival, from 13 until 19 June 2009. The program is hosted by its curators, Yra van Dijk, and Jan Baeke. Part of the event and exhibition […]

2009, calendar, lecture and debate

perspectives on sound, vienna, austria – lecture

On 8 May 2009 the Symposium Perspectives on Sound takes place at the Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Vienna, Austria. As part of the symposium Rozalie Hirs presents a lecture on Le Lac (2001) by Tristan Murail and on the involved compositional techniques developed by the composer. Date: 2009-05-08 […]

2009, calendar, poetry events

hotel new flandres – book launch

On 1 May 2009 the Dutch book launch of Hotel New Flandres takes place at Perdu, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The anthology’s editors Dirk van Bastelaere, Erwin Jans, and Patrick Peeters discuss the new publication in a round-table event. Furthermore, the poets Miriam Van hee, Mark Insingel and Rozalie Hirs read […]

2009, calendar, music concerts

article 0 [transarctic buddha], lollar, germany

On 1 March 2009 the percussionist Johannes Fischer performs a solo recital at Kammermusikreihe im Kirchbergforum, Lollar, Germany. The concert programme includes the music composition article 0 [transarctic buddha] (2000) by Rozalie Hirs. Date: 2009-03-01 Time: 17:00 Location: Kammermusikreihe im Kirchbergforum, Kirchberg 2, Lollar, Germany Performers: Johannes Fischer (percussion)

2009, calendar, poetry events

poetry marathon, perdu, amsterdam

On 29 January 2009 Amsterdam’s foremost poetry theatre and bookshop Perdu presents its yearly Dichtersmarathon (Poetry Marathon). With performances by the poets Jan-Willem Anker, Robert Anker, Erik Bindervoet, Pieter Boskma, Floor Buschenhenke, Sofie Cerutti, Daan Doesborgh, Hélène Gelèns, Piet Gerbrandy, Amarantha Groen, Elma van Haren, Krijn Peter Hesselink, Rozalie Hirs, […]

2008, dutch, poetry books

geluksbrenger (lucky charm, 2008)

“The musical poetry of Geluksbrenger (Amsterdam: Querido, The Netherlands, 2008) by Rozalie Hirs is constructed along the line of a ‘counterpoint’. Within a poem, Hirs seems to be stacking different poems on top of each other, processing them, splicing them, mixing them, shaking them, letting them flow into one another. And this is one single motion. In one breath. In sustained breath.” (Alain Delmotte, Poëzierapport)