2025, calendar, lecture and debate, news, poetry events, radio, livestream, printed media

i speak to the reader with affection – interview by henry sepers, schrijven magazine

In February 2025, the new issue of Schrijven Magazine is released, featuring an interview with Rozalie Hirs titled “I Speak to the Reader with Affection” by Henry Sepers. The article will also be available online. In the interview, Sepers speaks with Hirs about her poetry collections ecologica (2023) and dagtekening […]

2024, calendar, lecture and debate, news, poetry events

feeling-thinking: embodiment and knowledge in the poetry of rozalie hirs and anne carson – helena van praet, university louvain-la-neuve

On Wednesday 11 December 2024, at 15:00 CET, the public defense of the Ph.D.-dissertation by Helena Van Praet, titled Feeling-Thinking: Embodiment and Knowledge in the Poetry of Rozalie Hirs and Anne Carson, will take place. The location is the Sénat académique, University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Halles universitaires, Place de l’Université 1, […]

2021, calendar, lecture and debate, music concerts, poetry events, portrait concert, premieres, presentations

dreams of airs (2017-18), athelas sinfonietta, copenhagen, denmark – danish premiere

On Sunday 7 November 2021 at 17:00 CET Athelas Sinfonietta of Copenhagen, Signe Asmussen (voice), and James Sherlock (conductor) present a portrait concert of Rozalie Hirs. The programme evolves around the Danish premiere of Rozalie’s dreams of airs (2017-18), a cycle in which poetry and music play equally important roles. […]

2021, calendar, lecture and debate, music concerts, poetry events, portrait concert, premieres, presentations

dreams of airs (2017-18), athelas sinfonietta, copenhagen, denmark – danish premiere

**POSTPONED DUE TO THE PANDEMIC** On Friday 23 April 2021 Athelas Sinfonietta of Copenhagen presents a portrait concert of Rozalie Hirs. The programme evolves around the Danish premiere of Rozalie’s dreams of airs (2017-18), a cycle in which poetry and music play equally important roles. Its sound world features eight […]

2020, calendar, lecture and debate, poetry events

meet the poet in nijmegen

On Saturday 12 September 2020 at 14:00 CET Rozalie Hirs is featured guest at Ontmoet de dichter (Meet the poet) in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Wim van Til hosts the afternoon and interviews Rozalie on her poetic work and ideas. In addition, the poet reads selections from three of her most […]

2019, calendar, lecture and debate

spectralisms 2019, IRCAM, france – lecture

On 12 June 2019 the Belgian composer and music theorist Bert Van Herck presents a lecture on the music of Rozalie Hirs. In particular he focusses of the compositional techniques underlying her compositions Platonic ID (2005-06) and Book of Mirrors (2001). The lecture is part of the International Spectralisms 2019 Conference, held at IRCAM, Paris, France, from 12-14 June 2019.

2019, calendar, lecture and debate, poetry events

marché de la poésie , paris, france – interview

On Sunday 9 June 2019 at 15:30 CET Margot Dijkgraaf interiews the poets Simone Atangana Bekono, Rozalie Hirs, Hester Knibbe, and translator and Jan Mysjkin during Phares du Nord #10. In addition Atangana Bekono, Hirs, Knibbe and their translators Kim Andringa and Jan Mysjkin also read their poems in Dutch and French. This event is part of the 37th Marché de la Poésie, supported by the Netherlands Foundation for Literature.

2018, calendar, lecture and debate, residency

salon, maison dora maar, france

On 22 March 2018 at 18:00 the three current artists-in-residence at Maison Dora Maar, Liz Brown, David Grand, and Rozalie Hirs, present their work to the public. With special thanks to Gwen Strauss, director of Maison Dora Maar. Liz Brown talks about and reads from Twilight Man: The Strange Life […]

2017, calendar, lecture and debate, poetry events

portrait event, groningen, the netherlands

On Wednesday 8 November 2017 at 12:30 CET Rozalie Hirs is guest poet during the event Dichters van geluk in Groningen. Rozalie reads from her forthcoming poetry book verdere bijzonderheden (Amsterdam: Querido, 2017). In addition her colleague Rense Sinkgraven interviews Hirs about the creative process and happiness. The event takes […]

2017, calendar, lecture and debate

journée d’études messiaen/ murail

On 27 July 2017 during the Festival Messiaen at La Grave/La Meije, France, the composers and theorists Franck Bedrossian, Pierre-Albert Castanet, Jonathan Cross, Sampo Haapamaki, Thomas Lacoste, and Rozalie Hirs will be presenting lectures on new music and compositional techniques. Tristan Murail presents the keynote lecture. The event Journée d’Études […]

2017, calendar, lecture and debate

words and music in choral art

On 23 and 24 January 2017 Rozalie Hirs is on the panels during a debate on words and music in choral art. Possible questions could include: which are the challenges a writer faces when his or her texts are – or would be – used in choral music? How can […]

2016, calendar, lecture and debate

new emergences #5: breaking the glass ceiling

New Emergences is a lecture and discussion series highlighting the current debates around gender in electronic, contemporary and experimental music. Within these fields, it is increasingly necessary to give a platform to current advocates for under-represented voices. We believe it is important to expose existing biases that impede the richness […]

2015, calendar, lecture and debate, poetry events

to witness matter

On 11 December 2015 at 20:30 CET Perdu will host an evening around structures of remembrance, forms of subjectivity gathering, and communication. “memory for two, memory for several, world-memory, memory-ages of the world” (from: Cinema 2: The Time-Image (1989) by Gilles Deleuze. Translated into English by Hugh Tomlinson and Robert […]

2015, calendar, lecture and debate

ucsb, united states – lecture

On 13 April 2015 Rozalie Hirs presents a lecture at the Composition Department at University of California, Santa Barbara, on her recent compositions Nadir (2014), Lichtende Drift (2014), Roseherte (2008, 2014 rev.), and Infinity Stairs (2014). Topics may include frequency-based compositional techniques, the use of OpenMusic as a compositional tool, […]

2014, calendar, lecture and debate, poetry events, premieres, presentations

život mogućnosti (2014), bosnia & herzegovina – debate

Book presentation of ‘život mogućnosti’ by Rozalie Hirs (Serbian, Croatian translation: Jelica Novaković, Radovan Lučić). Poetry book. Banja Luka: Kuća Poezije/Biblioteka Prevodi, Bosnia & Herzegovina, 2014. 15 April 2014 at 12:00 CET, Visoka škola za ekonomiju i informatiku (Higher education for economics en informatics), Ulica Mitropolita Petra Zimonića bb, Prijedor, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

2014, calendar, lecture and debate

round table with louis andriessen, rotterdam

Round table discussion with Neil Wallace (artistic director De Doelen & Red Sofa concertseries), Hans Leenders (conductor), Yannick Hiwatt (jazz violinist, composer), Florian Maier (composer), and Rozalie Hirs (composer), moderated by Lex Bohlmeijer. Celebration of the first screening of ‘Imperfect Harmony’, a documentary by Carmen Cobos on ‘Mysteriën’ by Louis Andriessen, commissioned by Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

2014, calendar, lecture and debate

3 durch 3 – reihe sprachkunst, kassel, germany

On 25 January 2014 a round-table-discussiion with the poets Christian Steinbacher, Valeri Scherstjanoi, Michael Stauffer, Zsuzsanna Gahse, Johannes Auer, and Rozalie Hirs takes place at Kunsttempel, Kassel, Germany. The topics of conversation are ‘Poesie verstehen’ and the current poetry exhibit at Kunsttempel TINO, SatzZeichungen. The round-table takes place the occasion […]

2013, calendar, lecture and debate, poetry events

lucebert: a small rustling revolution

On October 16 2013 at the occasion of Onbederflijk Vers, Anja de Feijter, Jaap van der Bent, Alex Rutten, and Rozalie Hirs read the first part of the integral Lucebert translation by Diane Butterman. In addition they discuss Lucebert’s poetry. Lucebert, The Collected Poems Volume I. Translated from the Dutch by […]